Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Beamish - Simplex 40HP Protected Loco

LR3098 is a Simplex 40HP Protected Loco, a type that was used extensively on the Western Front during the First World War.  

LR3098, which did not see any war service having not been completed until 17/12/1918, worked from c1921 to 1980 at the Sewage Works in Leeds. In 1981 it was aquired by the National Railway Museum at York for preservation.

Simplex 40HP Protected Loco Beamish June 2022

Simplex 40HP Protected Loco
Manufacturers Plate

During the First World War miles of narrow gauge track was laid to transport ammunition and supplies from railheads to the front line.

Standard gauge trains would run from ports and supply depots to railheads to the rear of the front line. There the combat supplies would be transloaded onto the narrow gauge trains to be taken to the front line.

The problem with many of the narow gauge lines was steam engines gave their loccation away, consequently the War Office looked to the use of locomotives powered by an internal combustion engine.

The Motor Rail & Tram Company won a tender in January 1916 and produced narrow gauge locomotive for use on the Western Front. A protptype proved succesfull and a asignificant order placed for more locomotives. 

The Simplex 40HP Protected loco was an  armoured version, made to a specification defined by the Ministry of Munitions.  Over 900 locomotives would be manufactured in the course of the war.

Simplex 40HP Protected Loco LR 2223

Simplex 40HP Protected Loco Western Front

Simplex 40HP Protected Loco transporting stores

Simplex 40HP Protected Loco Western Front

Simplex 40HP Protected Loco damaged by shell fire

Simplex 40HP Protected Loco
6 inch Gun Supported on two narrow gauge rail waggons

Two Australian soldiers standing in front of 
Simplex 40HP Protected Loco

40 HP Simplex locomotove passes 6 inch 30 cwt howitzer

Beamish - Glyder

 "Glyder" is an Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 Well Tank E Class narrow gauge locomotive (works number 1994) built in 1931 in Kilmarnock. 

Glyder" Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 WT Beamish June 2022

It was built to operate on the Burnhope Reservoir Railway in Weardale,  Durham County Water Board’s reservoir construction project which commenced in 1931. The locomotive was named 'Grey' and ran on narrow gauge system used during the construction of the dam that connected to the London and NorthEastern Railway at the Wear Valley branch teminus at Weardale. 

The resevoir was completed in 1937.

On completion of the Burnhope Reservoir project, 'Grey' was sold in 1938 to the Penrhyn Slate Quarry near Bethesda in North Wales and renamed "Glyder" . 

Penrhyn Slate Quarryc.1900

The Penrhyn Quarry Railway transported slate produced at the quarry along the  six miles of track to Port Penrhyn, near Bangor.

Penrhyn Quarry Railway

"Glyder" operated on the Penrhyn Quarry Railway until the rail system closed in 1962, though the quarry remains in operation.

"Glyder" Penrhyn Quarry 1961

"Glyder" Penrhyn Quarry 1961

"Glyder" Penrhyn Quarry 1961

In 1965 "Glyder" was sold and exported to the USA, where in remianed unused and in storage before it was returned to the UK in 2012 and arived at Beamish 1st May 2012.

Glyder" Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 WT Beamish June 2022

Glyder" Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 WT Beamish June 2022

Beamish - Peckett No 1370

No 1370 0-4-0 R2 class locomotive was built by Peckett & Sons in 1915. It was withdrawn for preservation  in the 1970s and ran on the East Lancashire Railway. It came to Beamish in 2018.

1370 0-4-0 R2 class Beamish June 2022

1370 0-4-0 R2 class Beamish June 2022

1370 0-4-0 R2 class
Manufacturers Plate 

 It was built to work at the Yates Duxbury & Sons papermill at Heap Bridge near Bury. 

Yates Duxbury & Sons papermill Heap Bridge 1926

It was one of three locomotives that worked there wich connected to the Bury to Heywoff line, which is now the preserved East Lancashire Railway.  All three locomotives have been preserved.

Yates Duxbury & Sons papermill Heap Bridge 


Beamish - Edward Sholto

 Edward Sholto is a Hunslet  0-4-0 Saddle Tank built in 1909. It was  was the last of the 'Large Quarry' class built by Hunslet for the Penrhyn Quarries at Bethesda. The locomotive was named after Edward Sholto Douglas-Pennant, who became Lord Penrhyn in 1907.

Edward Shalto headinga double headet quarry train

The locomotive had ceased work by 1956, and by 1960 was to be found outside the Penrhyn Quarries workshops at Coed-y-Parc. It was sold in 1960 to a Canadian, Charles Matthews, and exported in 1961. The locomotive passed through several hands in North America, before being returned to the UK in 2006. It came to Beamish in 2012.

Edward Shalto Beamish June 2022

Beamish - Coffee Pot

 Coffee Pot was built in 1871 on Teesside by Head Wrightson & Co for Dorking Greystone Lime Company for use at its Betchworth Quarry in Surrey.

Coffee Pot early photograph

Coffee Pot 1938

It is believed to have last worked at Betchworth in 1949, though some sources indicate an overhaul in 1952. Coffee Pot returned to Teesside in 1960, after being sold to Head Wrightson to display at its Thornaby works. 

Coffee Pot placed in storage in 1969  to 1975 when it was moved to Beamish. It returmed to steaming condition in 1978 and is currently operational.

Coffee Pot Beamish June 2022

Coffee Pot Makers Plate

Friday, June 3, 2022

Newcastle Central Station - Platinum Jubilee

Newcastle Central Station
Platinum Jubilee Commemoration

Newcastle Central Station
Platinum Jubilee Commemoration

Newcastle Central Station
Platinum Jubilee Commemoration

Newcastle Central Station
Platinum Jubilee Commemoration

Newcastle Central Station
Platinum Jubilee Commemoration

Newcastle Central Station
Platinum Jubilee Commemoration

Newcastle Central Station
Platinum Jubilee Commemoration